Sewing Supply Organization

Now that I have amassed a good bit of sewing supplies, particularly for the Singer 431G, which I take to the library frequently, it has become clear to me that I need to have a way to transport my supplies with me whenever I travel with my machine. I have a Plano tackle box that I have filled with my jewelry-making supplies and beads and whatnot, but I knew I didn't want to have to lug my fairly heavy sewing machine and an oversized tackle box with me anytime I went anywhere.
This would be WAY too much to carry around all the time!
I perused the storage section of JoAnn yesterday and was dissatisfied with any of the storage solutions they offered, either by functionality or price. (The curse of the DIY-er: thinking "I can make that so much cheaper.") I ended up making my way into a Hobby Lobby though, and I remembered they had Creative Options storage supplies, which are practically like the Plano tackle boxes but marketed towards women crafters, hence the hot pink color schemes they use. (JoAnn has some of their supplies too, but pretty much what I already had in my Plano tackle box.)

I found a double-sided storage box that seemed like it would be a perfect fit for all of my presser feet, active-project thread, and cleaning/maintenance supplies (which were being stored in an index card box previously).
Old storage system
I thought about it for a day and even did some online research on prices, and then I decided to go back and get it today with a 40% off coupon. I also used the outing to swing by JoAnn to get more thread for my tote bag project while I had a 50% off coupon. (Side note: I took my dog Tony with me to JoAnn and Hobby Lobby, and he did so well! I was super proud of him since he is a super excitable dog most of the time.)
I already removed the sticker, but I kept it
Side A of my Carrying Case
Side B of a Carrying Case
Now I have my storage box all set up to go to my sewing class tonight. Let's see how it goes!


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